All invested money is eventually spent. If your don't spend it, you will likely leave it to your children, church, or charities. If you can tell us who will spend it and when, that helps us determine how it should be invested today.

You work hard to accumulate assets over a lifetime. The plan is that when the time comes to leverage those assets, they will be there for you. However, not everyone has the time or experience to monitor and manage those assets. 

Our investment management process is built upon these fundamental principles:

Sensitivity to Taxes

Taxes are inescapable for most investors. Our team is experienced in mitigating the tax consequences of portfolio management. We exercise care in the appropriate placement of investments within taxable and tax-deferred accounts and continually monitor and review portfolios for tax opportunities.

Transparent Fee Structure

We are independent advisors, not brokers; as a result, we do not attempt to sell products to you. As Fiduciaries, we simply charge a fee based upon the percentage of assets under management. Since our fees are based on the total assets, our incentives are aligned with your long term success. When you do well, we do well. In many cases, the fees are lower than what our clients have paid elsewhere and in some cases may be tax deductible.

Measured Approach to Risk

We believe that risk should only be undertaken to the extent necessary to achieve our clients’ goals. Our role is to provide clarity so that clients can be informed, deliberate, and intentional about the real relationship between risk and return. But, regardless of whether risk is a preference or a requirement, we strive to achieve broad diversification on a global scale to reduce the volatility that is inherent in any portfolio.

Proactive Asset Management

We believe investment portfolios must be managed professionally and proactively, and financial lives must be governed by caution and prudence. We are patient investors with an eye towards maximizing risk-adjusted returns, not merely gross nominal returns (which are the only ones that get reported). We review client portfolios on an ongoing basis to ensure your portfolio aligns with your specific needs and objectives.


360 Wealth Management partners with Advisor Resource Council and AIQ Asset Management with a goal of meeting the unique financial objectives of our clients. Backed by decades of industry research, AIQ Asset Management uses proprietary investment solutions combining the power of artificial intelligence with the intuition and experience of traditional fundamental analysis.

In the financial landscape, the only thing that stays the same is that things change. AIQ actively manages diversified portfolios designed to adapt to ever-changing market conditions while striving to meet desired outcomes, with a goal of taking the least amount of risk possible.

The AIQ Investment Team biographies are available below.

Brandon Day

Chief Market Strategist

Jean Paul Lagarde*

Chief Investment Officer

Michael Thomas*

Portfolio Manager

Nick Moore*

Senior Trader

*Are solely an investment advisor representatives of Advisor Resource Council, a registered investment advisor and not affiliated with LPL Financial.